利弗莫爾儀器公司是一家位于舊金山灣區的創業公司致力于非傳統領域的氣溶膠分析。我們是從勞倫斯·利弗莫爾國家實驗室(LLNL )在2008年年中剝離出來,使用我們的技術,開發了超過2000萬美元的儀器和十五年歷史課程,到世界各地。我們的主打產品是Spam3.0單顆粒氣溶膠質譜儀。Spam的6.0傳感器是能夠收集和分析數百質譜每秒從單個氣溶膠粒子中的數據實時進行分析,以確定這些粒子的起源和歷史。

Livermore Instruments Inc. is a San Francisco Bay Area startup company dedicated to bringing aerosol analysis to nontraditional fields. We were spun off of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in mid-2008 to bring our technologies, developed for over twenty million dollars and the course of fifteen years, to the world. Our flagship product is the SPAMS 3.0 Single Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. The SPAMS 3.0 sensor is capable of collecting and analyzing hundreds of mass spectra per second, each from an individual aerosol particle and analyzing the data in real-time to determine the origin and history of those particles.

LLNL ,美國明尼蘇達大學,加州大學河濱許可利弗莫爾儀器公司使用它們的技術。

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    利弗莫爾儀器公司是一家位于舊金山灣區的創業公司致力于非傳統領域的氣溶膠分析。我們是從勞倫斯·利弗莫爾國家實驗室(LLNL )在2008年年中剝離出來,使用我們的技術,開發了超過2000萬美元的儀器和十五年歷史課程,到世界各地。我們的主打產品是Spam3.0單顆粒氣溶膠質譜儀。Spam的6.0傳感器是能夠收集和分析數百質譜每秒從單個氣溶膠粒子中的數據實時進行分析,以確定這些粒子的起源和歷史。

    Livermore Instruments Inc. is a San Francisco Bay Area startup company dedicated to bringing aerosol analysis to nontraditional fields. We were spun off of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in mid-2008 to bring our technologies, developed for over twenty million dollars and the course of fifteen years, to the world. Our flagship product is the SPAMS 3.0 Single Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. The SPAMS 3.0 sensor is capable of collecting and analyzing hundreds of mass spectra per second, each from an individual aerosol particle and analyzing the data in real-time to determine the origin and history of those particles.

    LLNL ,美國明尼蘇達大學,加州大學河濱許可利弗莫爾儀器公司使用它們的技術。




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