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    TSI M32-01 空氣多點采樣設備 原版說明書

    下載次數:464 瀏覽次數:558發布時間:2015-11-16 15:24
    允許查看的會員等級:非會員   普通會員   高級會員   VIP會員   


    The TSI Model M32-01 Manifold offers an affordable solution for monitoring

    multiple locations in large areas with a single particle counter. The Model M32-01

    can provide important trend analysis and clean room verification. The product

    has 32 sampling ports and is compatible with TSI 1 CFM (28.3 L/min) AeroTrak?

    Portable Particle Counters, including those down to 0.1 μm sensitivity. The

    Manifold is controlled via FMS 5 Software, allowing the user to configure and

    control the system to meet their requirements.The Model M32-01 is backed by TSI’s

    long-standing reputation as the recognized standard for particle measurements

    and with a two-year warranty.

    Features and Benefits

    + Multiplexed monitoring for up to 32 locations

    + Short purge time

    + Economical price per point sampling

    + Bi-directional control capability

    + Sample runs of up to 125 feet (38.1 m)

    + Programmable sampling point sequences

    + Controlled by FMS 5 Software

    + Compatible with 1 CFM (28.3 L/min) AeroTrak? Portable Particle Counters

    + Integrated controller minimizes complexity

    + Port for pressure sensor to ensure vacuum flow


    • 技術


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