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    TSI 8587A型氣溶膠光度計 原版說明書

    下載次數:464 瀏覽次數:580發布時間:2015-11-16 16:47
    允許查看的會員等級:非會員   普通會員   高級會員   VIP會員   


    This photometer features a reliable laser diode that produces constant laser

    power, so aerosol concentration measurements remain stable over a long

    period of time. A sheath-air design keeps the optics clean for low background

    levels and also minimizes maintenance requirements. The 8587A utilizes

    an internal switching valve to measure both the upstream and downstream

    aerosol concentration. A special high-speed “purge” mode shortens the purge

    time when switching between upstream and downstream measurements.

    A simple command set can be incorporated into your LabVIEW?

    program to give you complete flexibility in test protocol and database

    management. All of these features combine to make the 8587A ideally

    suited for custom filter testing applications.


    + Respirator certification testing (fit testing)

    + Efficiency testing of HEPA filter assemblies

    + Respirator design and development

    + Filter design and development

    + Aerosol laboratory research

    Features and Benefits

    + Same photometer engine as used by NIOSH

    + Filter-efficiency measurements to 99.999%

    + Penetration versus particle size to 0.001%

    + Fit factors to 100,000

    + Indicates low airflow conditions

    + Signal correlates with aerosol mass concentration

    + Stable 30 mW laser light source

    + Internal valve switches between upstream anddownstream samples

    + Automatic gain selection

    + Analog and digital output

    + Manual or remote control via RS -232 or USB

    + Critical orifice controls sample airflow

    + Plug-and-play compatibility with the original 8587

    command language


    • 技術


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