GLYPTAL 1209 BLACK ENAMEL is an air drying or baking gloss interior
enamel which was designed for its resistance properties as well as being a
protective and decorating coating for electrical equipment. It is similar to
GLYPTAL 1201 RED and will give very good oil resistance and good salt spray
resistance as well as excellent non-tracking and arc resistance.
GLYPTAL 1209 is suggested for the finishing of electrical equipment for interior
exposure. It is similar to 1201 in properties other than dielectric strength and
may be used for coating small motor stators, field coils, end windings, bus bars,
and switch bases. It is also suggested for the protection of surfaces from arcing.
Color Black
Solids by Weight Avg. 62.0%
Air Dry 4 hours
Recoat Overnight
Flash Point 69 oF
Bake Time: @ 200-250 oF
@ 150-200 oF
?-1 hour
1-2 hours
Gloss High
Coverage (approximate) 550 ft.2
/gal (1 mil dried film)
Arc Resistance on Textolite 75 sec (96 hours air dry)
GLYPTAL 1209 may be applied by spray or dip methods. Surfaces to be
painted should be clean and dry.
Reduction: 1209 should be thinned to 23 to 28 seconds (#2 Zahn Cup) with
1500 thinner.
Surfaces to be painted should be dry and free from dirt, wax, grease, rust, and
oil. Remove grease and oil by washing surface with mineral spirits. When
painting over a previously glossed surface, reduce gloss by use of sandpaper or
steel wool.