LGR’s CO Analyzer (carbon monoxide)
reports accurate CO measurements at
ambient levels with a precision better than
0.1 ppb in 1 second. In addition, the CO
Analyzer measures water vapor (H2O) in
ambinet air to allow for reporting of CO
on a dry mole basis without the need
for sample drying or post correction or
compensation procedure. The Analyzer is
simple to use, may be set up in minutes and
does not require cryogens or water cooling.
LGR’s CO Analyzer is designed for many
demanding applications including trace
gas monitoring, eddy-correlation flux
measurements, chamber flux measurements,
and combustion diagnostics. The Analyzer
is particularly well suited for measurements
in the field and has been successfully
deployed on-board NASA DC-8 aircraft for
measurements in the upper troposphere
and lower stratosphere. The CO Analyzer is
essentially unaffected by other atmospheric
gases or changes in atmospheric pressure.