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    Braycote? 600EF真空潤滑脂MSDS

    下載次數:804 瀏覽次數:1642發布時間:2015-09-27 16:38
    允許查看的會員等級:非會員   普通會員   高級會員   VIP會員   


    Section 4: First Aid Measures

    Eyes:  In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with copious 

           amounts of flowing water for at least 15 minutes, retracting 

           eye lids often.  Get medical attention if irritation persists.

    Skin:  Wash skin thoroughly with mild soap and water.  Flush with 

           luke warm water for 15 minutes.  Obtain immediate medical 

           attention if fluid is injected under the skin.

    Ingestion:  Do not induce vomiting!  Immediate give two glasses of 

                charcoal slurry or plain water.  Do not attempt to give 

                anything by mouth to an unconscious person.  Contact a 

                physician at once.  If unconscious, immediately take 

                affected person to a hospital.

    Inhalation:  Remove from exposure area to fresh air immediately.  

                 Administer oxygen if deemed necessary.  Polymer Fume 

                 Fever symptoms should subside within twenty four hours.

    Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures

    Flammability classification:  Not classified.

    Flammable Properties:

    Flash Point:  None

    Flammable Limits:

               Lower:  Not applicable

               Upper:  Not applicable

    Flash Point/Method: Not applicable

    Auto-Ignition Temperature:  Not determined

    Hazardous Products of Combustion:

    NFPA health hazard rating of "3" assigned due to toxicity of thermal

    decomposition products, fluorine (HF), otherwise the material itself

    warrants a health hazard rating of "1".  Decomposition at high temperatures

    > 200?C (392?F) yields hydrogen fluoride (HF), carbonyl fluoride and

    other acid fluorides.

    Properties that could increase fire or explosion risk:

    None known

    Extinguishing Media:

    Not a fire hazard.  Use extinguishing materials to treat the surrounding

    fire, such as water (spray or fog), foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide



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