(N20345) permits attachment of these very small (1.4 nm) yet uniformly sized gold particles to
accessible thiol groups in biomolecules (Figure 2.2.38, Figure 2.2.39). NANOGOLD? monomaleimide,
which is supplied as a set of five vials of a powder lyophilized from pH 7.5 HEPES buffer,
is simply resuspended with the thiol-containing protein in deionized water at room temperature
or below to form the conjugate, after which any excess NANOGOLD? monomaleimide is
removed by gel filtration.102,103
In addition to its many uses for light and electron microscopy, NANOGOLD? monomaleimide
has been shown to be an extremely efficient quencher for dyes in molecular beacons—probes that
can be used for homogeneous fluorescence in situ hybridization assays.104 NANOGOLD? conjugates
of antibodies and streptavidin are described in Section 7.2 and Section 7.6, respectively, along
with reagents and methods for silver enhancement to amplify electron microscopy detection.104
Figure 2.2.38 Reaction of NANOGOLD? monomaleimide
(N20345) with a thiol. Image courtesy of Nanoprobes, Inc.
Figure 2.2.39 Scanning transmission electron microscope
(STEM) image indicating that labeling with NANOGOLD?
monomaleimide (N20345) occurs specifically at a hinge-thiol
site on the IgG molecule. Image courtesy of Nanoprobes, Inc.
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