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    CESVA MI006打擊器產品資料

    下載次數:662 瀏覽次數:681發布時間:2016-10-04 11:51
    允許查看的會員等級:非會員   普通會員   高級會員   VIP會員   



    The MI006 is a standardised tapping machine speciallydesigned to fulfil the specifications of ISO 10140-3 and ISO 140-7: Measurements of impact sound insulation of floors in laboratory and field environments;and ISO 717-2: Rating of Impact sound insulation.The MI006 consists of five hammers in line. Each hammer has a weight of 500 g and falls free from a distance of 40 mm. The average time between impacts is 100 ms.3 rubber feet support the unit in order to insulate the tapping machine from vibration.

    The MI006 has overheating protection to avoid damage in case of abnormal operation, blocking or overworking.The MI006 is operated with its keyboard and can be also remotely operated with the remote control MA001 or through a computer with the supplied software. The connection with the computer is done using Bluetooth? wireless technology (BT002* device for PC is required).

    The MI006 must be powered from the main supply orthrough the rechargeable battery MB006*.

    Measurement of impact sound insulation of floors

    following ISO 10140-3 and ISO 140-7


    Remote control included

    Bluetooth? wireless technology incorporated

    Easy transportation

    Robust lightweight design

    Overheating protect


    ISO 10140-3

    ISO 140-7


    Number of hammers: 5

    Distance between hammers: 100 mm

    Hammer weight 500±12 g


    Average time between impacts: 100 ms

    Free fall height: 40 mm

    Time between impact and rising of the hammer: < 80 ms


    Dimensions: 200 x 693 x 331 mm

    Weight: Without battery 12.6 kg

    With battery 13.0 kg 


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