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    CESVA Measuring Assistant軟件原版產品資料

    下載次數:620 瀏覽次數:657發布時間:2016-10-04 13:31
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    CESVA Measuring Assistant is the piece that completes the definitive solution of CESVA for the measurement

    of sound insulation. A user-friendly, fast and innovating solution.

    This new concept for measuring sound insulation centralizes

    the control in one computer where CESVA Measuring Assistant manages and synchronizes all

    the instruments via cable and/or wireless Bluetooth?.

    The application optimizes and guides the user interactively through the measurement process, optimizing

    the measurement points and the movements to minimize the time spent.

    With this software application you will be able to turn a number of CESVA analyzers into a multi-channel wireless

    measurement system. The system is totally expandable,with just the acquisition of more devices,

    (analyzing sound level meters or sound sources).

    Measuring Assistant is a practical, user-friendly tool that helps you to save time and money carrying out

    sound insulation measurements (assembly, calibration,measurement, disassembling, data processing,

    calculations and report generation). You can be more competitive and it allows you to approach all types of

    insulation projects, those that need a great volume of measurements as well as the small ones.


    ? Step by step guide for sound insulation measurement

    ? Management, optimization and automatic synchronization

    of devices (analyzers and sound sources)

    ? Wireless device management via Bluetooth? → NO


    ? Data ready to be imported directly to CIS (CESVA Insulation Studio)


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