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    Grimm 1178軟件原版用戶手冊

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    Software Installation

    This chapter guides you through the installation process of the new developed GRIMM

    Spectrometer Software 1178 in order to run the spectrometers 1108, 1109, 1129, 1209, and 1320

    (even EDM models within “Count-Mode”) as well as to evaluate all measured data.

    Please note: This guidance uses screenshots of the software version 2-2-3. For later

    versions, all installation steps have to been done accordingly.

    The provided USB flash drive contains four folders; the content of each folder has to be installed


    Figure 3-1: USB flash drive folders

    Name and content of the folders:






    The packed zip-file runtime_environment.zip contains three modules: LabView Runtime Engine

    2011, its previous version 8.60, and the so-called VISA module. The first two files are necessary

    that the LabView programs are executable on a PC, and the VISA module enables the interface

    communication (USB cable, RS-232, COM ports, etc.). 


    Manual Grimm Software OPC Version 2.0 06.10.2011 Page 9 / 29

    Open the folder Step_1_LabView-Runtime-Environment-and-VISA and execute the file setup.exe

    Please follow the instructions; all three modules described above will be installed onto your PC.

    Figure 3-2: Installation process of the LabView Runtime

    After installation you will be asked for restarting your PC. Restart your PC LATER after ?Step 2“.


    Manual Grimm Software OPC Version 2.0 06.10.2011 Page 10 / 29


    After you have installed the LabView Environment, please proceed with the installation of the

    actual software. This is the Grimm Spectrometer Software 1178, e.g. version


    Execute the setup file.

    Figure 3-3: Setup File

    For this installation process you need to have administrator rights.

    The User Account Control (UAC) might show up warning you, that an unidentified program wants

    access to your computer. If you want to continue with the installation process, click on “Allow”.

    The setup process starts with the End User License Agreement, the so-called “EULA”. Please read

    the whole EULA carefully (scroll down the dialog box for the whole text) and continue if you agree

    with the terms of Grimm Aerosol Technik GmbH & Co. KG by clicking on “Agree”. 


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