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    2.4.2 Starting a new measurement

    Leave the stand-by mode and start a new measurement by pressing the [Stand-by] key.

    Setting the measurement mode and choice of the displayed size channels

    Holding the key {Size Mode} and pressing additionally the key {+} or {-} lets you

    change the measurement mode, either particle mass or particle concentration. The

    LCD display shows on the right side the accordant unit μg/m3 or particle per liter as


    Decisive for the measurement mode and the change of the measurement mode is

    the setting in the upper line of the LCD display. Leaving the size range by pressing

    the key [+] or [-] the measurement mode changes.

    Example 1: The display shows in the mass mode >20μm …..μg/m3 in the upper line. Pressing {+}

    again and the measurement mode will change to particle concentration, indicated by >0.3μm …..


    Example 2: The display shows >0.25μm….. /l in the concentration mode, pressing {-} will switch to

    mass mode, indicated by >32μm….. μg/m3. The size channel that is chosen in the lower line of the

    LCD has no influence on the choice of the measurement mode. It simply shows the data of a second

    channel within operational mode.

    Please notice that the data sent via the RS-232 interface and the data stored onto the

    storage card are the same type as the set displayed operation type. That means either dust

    mass or particle concentration can be displayed and stored!

    Displaying the analog values

    Pressing only the key {Size/Mode} longer than three seconds or pressing

    additionally the key {Date/Time}, the values of the analog input values and time will

    be displayed. This remains set until pressing any other key.

    Requesting the battery capacity and measurement location number

    By pressing the {Battery/Location} key the current battery capacity as percentage

    as well as the set measurement location number will be displayed. When operating

    with a mains adapter, always 130% are displayed. At a fresh charged battery values

    above 100% are possible. Pressing and holding the key {Battery/Location} the

    measurement location number can be altered by means of the keys {+} or {-}. The

    measurement location number is an additional differentiation of various

    measurements and can be set between 1 and 99.

    Model 11-A

    GRIMM AEROSOL TECHNIK GmbH & Co.KG Page 23 of 80

    When reading out the data storage card via the Windows software, the datasets can be

    chosen individually according to their measurement location number, which shortens and

    simplifies the data transmission.

    Changing the alarm thresholds, necessity of a diluter at coincidence

    Simultaneous pressing of the keys {Alarm} and {+} or {-} changes the alarm

    thresholds. A value of 0 deactivates the alarm function. A value bigger than 0

    activates the alarm. The alarm value always refers to the size channel in the upper

    line of the LCD and the set operational mode (mass or particle concentration). 


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