- Catalysis:
BLUESIL RTV 1523 A&B should be mixed thoroughly in proportions of 100:100 by
weight, by hand or with an electric stirrer rotating at low speed, to prevent the entrapment
of air into the mix
- Degassing:
The mixture of the two components should be degassed to remove air bubbles which
would reduce the mechanical and dielectric properties.
Degassing is generally performed in a vacuum of 30 to 50 mbars for about ten minutes,
releasing the vacuum twice in the chamber.
Degassing will be quicker in a container with a large diameter to height ratio.
2. Mixing machine
Equipment consisting of two metering pumps enables the control of volumetric flow rates
of parts A and B which are thoroughly mixed when they go through a dynamic mixing
head or a static mixer.
3. Preparing of materials and pouring
BLUESIL RTV 1523 A&B can be poured on to metals, glass, laminates or moulded
articles containing organic resins or silicones, or on all other materials.
The following procedure is recommended:
1. Clean the surfaces and remove grease with the appropriate solvent. Silicone
elastomer surfaces should first be roughened, if possible, by rubbing with sandpaper.
2. Apply a bonding primer to all surfaces except silicones, with a rag or a brush. The most
commonly used is BLUESIL PRIM PM 821, which requires a minimum of 30 minutes
drying time at 23 °C.
3. Slowly pour the degassed BLUESIL RTV 1523 A&B mixture at the lowest point of the
volume to be filled, to prevent the formation and entrapment of air bubbles.
The container should not be filled completely, to allow the RTV to expand at working
4. Curing
At a temperature of 23 °C, BLUESIL RTV 1523 A&B cures in approximately 8 hours.
Curing can be accelerated by external heat, and the higher the temperature the faster
curing will be. For example, at 150 °C the product cures in about 5 minutes.
5. Repairs
An object encapsulated with BLUESIL RTV 1523 A&B can be repaired simply by cutting
away the RTV and replacing the missing elastomer with new BLUESIL RTV 1523 A&B,
which adheres very strongly to itself with no need for a primer.