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    Brechtel Model 4001 PILS原版資料

    下載次數:600 瀏覽次數:1167發布時間:2017-10-22 17:33
    允許查看的會員等級:非會員   普通會員   高級會員   VIP會員   


    4001 Particle-Into-Liquid-Sampler with control software

    PILS-AC Auto-collector with either 80 or 38 vial holding carousel and

    control software

    CA80 Additional 80 vial-holding carousel for Auto-Collector and

    1.2 or 2.0 ml vials

    CA38 Additional 38 vial-holding carousel for Auto-Collector and 10

    or 12 ml vials

    VS1.2 Pack of 1000, 1.2 ml poly vials and caps with septa

    VS2.0 Pack of 1000, 2.0 ml glass vials and caps with septa

    VM10 Pack of 1000, 10 ml glass vials and caps with septa

    VM12 Pack of 1000, 12 ml poly vials and caps with septa

    CR Crimping tool for 10 ml glass vial aluminum caps

    (required with VM10)

    DE Denuder package with three denuders for organic, acidic

    and basic gases

    8003 Round Jet Impactor with 1.0 micrometer cut size, 15 lpm flow

    8005 Round Jet Impactor with 2.5 micrometer cut size, 15 lpm flow

    8006 Round Jet Impactor with 10 micrometer cut size, 15 lpm flow

    PILS-P115 External vacuum pump, 115 V

    PILS-P230 External vacuum pump, 230 V

    PILS-PC Computer with 4001 PILS software

    PILS-Kit Maintenance Kit for 4001 PILS


    Parameter Value

    PILS inlet sample flow 11-15 lpm

    Washflow and sample liquid flow rates 0.03-2.0 ml/min

    Chemical Species Detected

    SO4, NO3, NO2, Cl, NH4, K, Na, Ca,

    Mg detection limits 100 ng/m3

    Acetate, formate and oxalate organic

    acids detection limit 50 ng/m3

    Water soluble organic carbon

    detection limit 10 ppb


    Supply voltage 110 OR 230 VAC

    Supply current 5 amps @ 110 VAC

    Operating temperature range 15-35°C


    Dimensions 17.2 x 6.9 x 16 in/43.25 x17.5 x 4.75 cm

    PILS system total weight 20 lbs/9 kg

    Auto-collector total weight 20 lbs/9 kg

    Providing Aerosol Measurement Solutions

    Copyright ?2017 All specifications are subject to change without notice. BMI assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies in this document

    or for any obligation to update information in this document. BMI reserves the right to change, modify, transfer or otherwise revise this

    publication without prior notice.

    *Some products may be shown with optional accessories, which are sold separately. Items shown may not be to scale.


    R. J. Weber, D. Orsini, Z. Yhuang, Y. N. Lee, P. J. Klotz, and F. J. Brechtel (2001).

    A Particle-into-Liquid Collector for Rapid Measurement of Aerosol Bulk Chemical

    Composition. Aerosol Science and Technology, 35, 718-727.

    A. Sorooshian, F. J. Brechtel, Y. Ma, R. J. Weber, A. Corless, R. C. Flagan, and J. H.

    Seinfeld (2006). Modeling and Characterization of a Modified Particle-into-liquidSampler

    (PILS) Optimized for Aircraft Sampling, Aerosol Science and Technology, 40:


    Auto-collector with 80-vial holding carousel


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