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    TYCO Raychem S1005 - S1006環氧樹脂膠原版技術資料

    Surface The moulded part and cable jacket should be thoroughly degreased using a suitable solvent e.
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    Surface The moulded part and cable jacket should be thoroughly degreased using a suitable solvent e.g. Isopropanol

    preparation following the handling instructions supplied by the solvent supplier. After degreasing, the surfaces

    should be carefully abraded using a 100 grit abrasive cloth. Dust and other debris from abrasion should be wiped

    away with a dry tissue. Connectors or adaptors should only be degreased and not abraded.

    Mixing S1005 S1005 adhesive is supplied in two parts A

    and B. Part A, the epoxy, is pale yellow and

    Part B, the polyamide hardener, is amber in

    colour. Care should be taken not to interchange

    the bottle caps. Measure out one Part A and

    two Parts B by volume, or two Parts A and

    three Parts B by weight, taking care that only

    clean containers are used. Mix the two

    components thoroughly; any air stirred into

    the mixture will be eliminated during the

    shrinking process. After mixing, apply thin

    uniform layer of adhesive to the substrates.

    Mixing S1006 S1006 is supplied with the epoxy resin and

    the hardener pre-weighed in two sachets

    separated by a dividing rail. To mix, slide off

    the dividing rail and knead the contents until a

    homogenous translucent pale yellow colour is

    obtained. After mixing, carefully cut open one

    corner of the bi-pack. Apply a thin, uniform

    layer of adhesive to the substrates. For best

    results adhesive mixed in the dual packs

    should be squeezed into a separate disposable

    dish and mixed with a spatula before

    application to substrates.

    Heating Apply heat to the heat-shrinkable tubing / moulded part (refer to the Code of Practice No. 605 for full instructions)

    and when fully recovered, remove any excess adhesive using Isopropanol or similar solvent.

    Handling For normal handling purposes, the adhesive will be sufficiently cured after 24 hours at room temperature.

    However, cure cycles above 60o

    C are recommended as these result in great bond strengths and the joint should

    not be severely flexed until one of the following cycles has been completed.

    ■ 4 hours at 60o

    C ■ 1 hour at 95o

    C ■ 24 minutes at 120o


    Pot life Once mixed S1005/S1006 has a pot life of up to 2 hours depending on the ambient temperatures.

    Shelf life In excess of 12 months, when stored in the original unopened packaging at or below 23o


    Handling Irritant and dangerous for the environment while in its uncured state. Part B contains Triethylenetetramine.

    precautions Irritating to eyes and skin. Risk of serious damage to eyes. May cause sensitisation by skin contact. Toxic to aquatic

    organisms; may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

    In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. After contact with

    skin, wash immediately with plenty of water and soap. Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection. Avoid release

    to the environment. Refer to safety data sheet. These are available via www.raychem.com/corporate/partners.asp.

    Ordering S1005: 1 kit contains 2 bottles. 178ml Part B pale yellow

    89ml Part A amber

    S1006 Kit 1: 1 kit contains 2 sachets: 15g each

    S1006 Kit 2: 1 kit contains 4 sachets: 7.5g each


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