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    Raychem S1005環氧樹脂膠Part A原版MSDS

    Keep away from ignition sources/sparks. Observe very strict hygiene - avoid contact. Avoid contact w
    下載次數:619 瀏覽次數:700發布時間:2018-03-27 17:51
    允許查看的會員等級:非會員   普通會員   高級會員   VIP會員   


    5.1.1 Suitable extinguishing media:

    Water spray. Polyvalent foam. BC powder. Carbon dioxide.

    5.1.2 Unsuitable extinguishing media:

    Solid water jet ineffective as extinguishing medium.

    5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture:

    Upon combustion: CO and CO2 are formed. Polymerizes on exposure to temperature rise.

    5.3 Advice for firefighters:

    5.3.1 Instructions:

    If exposed to fire cool the closed containers by spraying with water. Do not move the load if exposed to heat. Take account of environmentally hazardous

    firefighting water. Use water moderately and if possible collect or contain it.

    5.3.2 Special protective equipment for fire-fighters:

    Gloves. Face-shield. Protective clothing. Heat/fire exposure: compressed air/oxygen apparatus.

    SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

    6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures:

    No naked flames.

    6.1.1 Protective equipment for non-emergency personnel

    See heading 8.2

    6.1.2 Protective equipment for emergency responders

    Gloves. Face-shield. Protective clothing.

    Suitable protective clothing

    See heading 8.2

    6.2 Environmental precautions:

    Contain leaking substance. Dam up the liquid spill. Prevent soil and water pollution. Prevent spreading in sewers.

    6.3 Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:

    Take up liquid spill into inert absorbent material. Scoop absorbed substance into closing containers. Carefully collect the spill/leftovers. Clean contaminated

    surfaces with a soap solution. Take collected spill to manufacturer/competent authority. Wash clothing and equipment after handling.

    6.4 Reference to other sections:

    See heading 13.

    SECTION 7: Handling and storage

    The information in this section is a general description. If applicable and available, exposure scenarios are attached in annex. Always use the relevant exposure

    scenarios that correspond to your identified use.

    7.1 Precautions for safe handling:

    Keep away from ignition sources/sparks. Observe very strict hygiene - avoid contact. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid inhaling vapours/fumes which may

    be released during use. Avoid inhaling dust when grinding/sanding/cutting cured material. Keep container tightly closed. Remove contaminated clothing

    immediately. Do not discharge the waste into the drain.

    7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:

    7.2.1 Safe storage requirements:

    Storage temperature: 2 - 40 °C. Store in a cool area. Keep out of direct sunlight. Store in a dry area. Keep container in a well-ventilated place. Meet the legal

    requirements. Max. storage time: See packaging.

    7.2.2 Keep away from:

    Heat sources, oxidizing agents, (strong) acids, (strong) bases, amines.

    7.2.3 Suitable packaging material:

    No data available

    7.2.4 Non suitable packaging material:

    No data available

    7.3 Specific end use(s):

    If applicable and available, exposure scenarios are attached in annex. See information supplied by the manufacturer.

    Refer to TE Connectivity product installation instructions.

    The curing process is exothermic (releases heat).



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