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    EPOTEK H20E原版技術資料 update

    下載次數:811 瀏覽次數:425發布時間:2018-05-05 16:54
    允許查看的會員等級:非會員   普通會員   高級會員   VIP會員   


    Product Description:

    EPO-TEK? H20E is a two component, 100% solids silver-filled epoxy system designed specifically for chip bonding in

    microelectronic and optoelectronic applications. It is also used extensively for thermal management applications due to its high

    thermal conductivity. It has proven itself to be extremely reliable over many years of service and is still the conductive adhesive of

    choice for new applications. Also available in a single component frozen syringe.


     H20E Advantages & Application Notes:

    ! Especially recommended for use in high speed epoxy chip bonding systems where very fast cures are desired.

    ! Suggested for JEDEC Level III and II for plastic IC packaging.

    ! NASA approved and is NON TOXIC—complying with USP Class VI Biocompatibility Standards.

    ! Capable of resisting TC wire bonding temperatures in the range of 300°C to 400°C.

    ! Ease of use; apply by dispensing, screen printing, die-stamping, or by hand.

    ! Especially suited for high power devices and high current flow. High power LEDs.

    ! Opto-electronic packaging material: LED, LCDs, and fiber optic components.

    Typical Properties: (To be used as a guide only, not as a specification. Data below is not guaranteed. Different batches,

    conditions and applications yield differing results; Cure condition: 150°C/1 hour; *denotes test on lot acceptance basis)

    Physical Properties:

    *Color: Part A: Silver Part B: Silver Weight Loss:

    *Consistency: Smooth, thixotropic paste @ 200°C: 0.59%

    *Viscosity (@ 100 RPM/23°C): 2,200 – 3,200 cPs @ 250°C: 1.09%

    Thixotropic Index: 3.69 @ 300°C: 1.67%

    *Glass Transition Temp.(Tg): ! 80°C (Dynamic Cure Operating Temp:

     20—200°C /ISO 25 Min; Ramp -10—200°C @ 20°C/Min) Continuous: -55°C to 200°C

    Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE): Intermittent: -55°C to 300°C

     Below Tg: 31 x 10-6 in/in/°C Storage Modulus @ 23°C: 808,700 psi

     Above Tg: 158 x 10-6 in/in/°C Ions: Cl -

     73 ppm

    Shore D Hardness: 75 Na+

     2 ppm

    Lap Shear Strength @ 23°C: 1,475 psi NH4



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