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    美國熱電Thermo 5014i 系列β射線顆粒物連續監測儀原版手冊

    load resulting in a reduced beta intensity measured by the proportional detector. From a continuousl
    下載次數:1473 瀏覽次數:3982發布時間:2018-05-25 13:48
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    load resulting in a reduced beta intensity measured by the proportional

    detector. From a continuously integrated count rate the mass on the filter

    tape is calculated. During sampling, the mass on the filter spot is always

    known and the rate of particulate accumulation is observed.

    A continuous measurement of the flow rate determines the sample volume.

    A proportional valve is used to maintain the sample flow rate at its nominal

    value. From both integrated sample volume and mass detection the

    particulate concentration is calculated. At any given time the output signal

    delivers the concentration of particulate in actual or standard conditions.

    The Model 5014i outputs particulate matter concentrations to the front

    panel display, the analog outputs, and also makes the data available over the

    serial or Ethernet connection.

    Additionally, the Model 5014i proportional detector is sensitive to natural

    alpha activity of the aerosol passing through the sampling system. The

    additional alpha count rate is used to measure the presence of Radon gas

    and infer the daughter nuclides of Radon gas. These daughter nuclides

    create a small beta emission. This externally sampled beta emission is

    perceived by the detector to be a higher count rate and the higher the count

    rate, the less apparent mass detected. Therefore, by measuring the natural

    alpha activity due to Radon gas, the proportional beta interference from the

    daughter nuclide emissions are subtracted from the count rate to provide a

    refined mass measurement. This potential error from Radon gas

    interference may be (in lower strength radioactive devices; e.g.; <100 μCi)

    as high as actual particle concentrations, especially after filter change or

    when the natural activity concentration changes. The Model 5014i has

    implemented this procedure to determine separately the natural activity in

    the aerosol and to eliminate this error. This procedure further allows the

    Model 5014i to provide a more stable reading at lower ambient particulate

    concentrations compared to similar methods. Furthermore, from this

    information the activity concentration of the natural noble gas Radon is


    The measurement chamber houses an RTD temperature sensor. The Tsensor

    directly measures the temperature of the incoming sample stream for

    a continuous air mass compensation, and the flow system. The flow and

    ambient sensor measurements are combined within a firmware algorithm to

    maintain an accurate measurement and control of volumetric flow at the

    inlet and through the differential orifice.

    The Model 5014i also includes three pressure sensors to measure the

    differential pressure across a subsonic orifice, vacuum under the filter tape,

    and barometric pressure. The flow P-sensor is solely used for measurement

    at the orifice for flow rate control. The vacuum sensor is used for air mass

    compensation, as an indicator for clogging of the system and is included in 


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