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    KLOTZ Abakus? mobil air particle counter原版產品資料

    The particle counter Abakus? mobil air is an evaluation system for the measurement of number and siz
    下載次數:799 瀏覽次數:1108發布時間:2018-07-07 20:01
    允許查看的會員等級:非會員   普通會員   高級會員   VIP會員   


    The particle counter Abakus? mobil air is an evaluation system for the measurement

    of number and size of particles in air and in gaseous types of media. The measuring

    system is suitable for stationary as well as mobile applications. The variable

    equipment using four different particle sensors (LDS 228, LDS 328, LDS 328s or

    LDS 528) enables the particle counter to cover the measuring range from 0.2 μm to

    50 μm, with the sensor LDS 2/2 5 μm to 500 μm, and is therefore suitable for a

    wide range of measuring tasks. The easy to use menu navigation ensures efficient

    working right from the outset. During the measurement the LCD display provides an

    overview of 16 particle size channels,date, time and the number of the current

    measurement. The measuring results are displayed in tabular form. At the end of

    a measurement the data as well as limit values and sample identification can

    be printed out on a thermo printer. The software “Log and Show” allows further

    processing of the measured results on the PC in various programs (MS-Excel, Lotus

    1-2-3 etc). Direct measuring and filing is also possible via the software. The autocalibration

    function of the particle counter

    allows simple testing and recalibration of the system.


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