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    您好 [請登錄]   [免費注冊]

    LIGHTHOUSE 1100粒子傳感器使用手冊

    Should it become necessary to return the unit to the factory for any reason, contact Lighthouse Cust
    下載次數:8 瀏覽次數:1811發布時間:2018-10-27 20:23
    允許查看的會員等級:普通會員   高級會員   VIP會員   


    The instrument is thoroughly inspected and tested at the factory and is

    ready for use upon receipt.

    It is presumed that when the instrument was received, its shipping

    carton was inspected for damage. If the carton was damaged, the

    carrier was notified and the carton was saved for carrier inspection.

    The instrument and other components were then removed from their

    packing materials and inspected for broken parts, scratches, dents, or

    other damage. Any damage was immediately reported to Lighthouse.

    Damaged cartons should be replaced by calling Lighthouse Sales.

    Keep an undamaged carton for reshipment of the instrument for its

    annual factory calibration.

    Should it become necessary to return the unit to the factory for any

    reason, contact Lighthouse Customer Service or visit our website,

    , and obtain a Return Merchandise

    Authorization (RMA) number. Reference this number on all shipping

    documentation and purchase orders. After receipt of the RMA number,

    follow the shipping instructions below:

    1. Use the original container, nozzle caps and packing materials

    whenever possible. The risk of expensive damage and additional

    charges is too high.

    2. If the original container and packing materials are not available,

    contact Lighthouse to purchase a replacement shipping container

    and nozzle caps. The unit may be wrapped in “bubble pack”,

    surrounded with shock-absorbent material and placed in a doublewalled

    carton - the instrument should not rattle around when the

    carton is vigorously shaken. If the instrument is damaged during

    shipment due to inadequate user packing, the warranty may be

    voided and all repairs required will be charged at cost. 


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    任何購物問題請聯系Nano (Hongkong) Co.,Ltd  | 江蘇省蘇州市昆山開發區章基路189號科創基地2號廠房 Tel:021-52069907 email: 19mro@19mro.com

    工作時間:周一至周五 8:00-18:00; 網站備案號 :滬ICP備12049383號; Copyright?2009-2012 19mro.com 版權所有 

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