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    AIRFLOW LCA501葉輪式流量表原版手冊

    下載次數:674 瀏覽次數:1324發布時間:2015-10-26 21:14
    允許查看的會員等級:非會員   普通會員   高級會員   VIP會員   


    If the instrument case or storage case needs cleaning, wipe it off with a soft cloth and isopropyl alcohol or a mild detergent. Never immerse the Alnor RVA501/Airflow Instruments LCA501. If the enclosure of the Alnor RVA501/Airflow Instruments LCA501 or the AC adapter becomes broken, it must be replaced immediately to prevent access to hazardous voltage.

    Table 5-1 lists the symptoms, possible causes, and recommended solutions for common problems encountered with the Alnor RVA501/Airflow Instruments LCA501. If your symptom is not listed, or if none of the solutions solves your problem, please contact TSI. 

    Carefully unpack the instrument and accessories from the shipping container. Check the individual parts against the list of components below. If anything is missing or damaged, notify TSI immediately.  

    Insert four AA batteries as indicated by the diagram located on the inside of the battery compartment. The Alnor RVA501/Airflow LCA501 is designed to operate with either alkaline or NiMH rechargeable batteries, although it will not recharge NiMH batteries. Battery life will be shorter if NiMH batteries are used. Carbon-zinc batteries are not recommended because of the danger of battery acid leakage. 

    The articulating extension allows you to secure the vane head at nearly any angle. Once you have attached the articulating extension, you can unscrew the swivel adjustment bolt, and adjust the angle of the elbow. You can then adjust the pivot position of the head by partially unscrewing the head from the handle and tightening it with the knurled knob, located underneath the vane head. 


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