Thermo Scientific 179820 培養瓶Thermo Scientific Nunc 4-well culture dish, nontreated, 120/case |
Thermo Scientific 163371 培養瓶Thermo Scientific Nunc? Nunclon? cell culture flask, 25 cm2, angled neck, vent/close cap, sterile |
Thermo Scientific 144530 培養瓶Thermo Scientific Nunc 24-well culture dish, nontreated, 75/case |
Thermo Scientific 150200 培養瓶Thermo Scientific Nunc 12-well culture dish, nontreated, 75/case |
Thermo Scientific 150239 培養瓶Thermo Scientific Nunc 6-well culture dish, nontreated, 75/case |
Thermo Scientific 178883 培養瓶http://static.coleparmer.com/large_images/0193244.jpg |
Thermo Scientific 156502 培養瓶Thermo Scientific Nunc? Nunclon? cell culture flask, 175 cm2, straight neck, vented/close cap |
Thermo Scientific 159910 培養瓶Thermo Scientific Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon? EasY cell culture flask, 175 cm2, angled neck, filter cap, sterile |
Thermo Scientific 159926 培養瓶Thermo Scientific Nunc 800mL Non-treated Cell Culture Flask - 30/case |
Thermo Scientific 159920 培養瓶Thermo Scientific Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon? EasY cell culture flask, 175 cm2, angled neck, vent/close cap, sterile |
Thermo Scientific 178905 細胞培養瓶Thermo Scientific Nunc Nunclon cell culture flask, 80 cm2, straight neck, filter cap, sterile |
Thermo Scientific 153732 細胞培養瓶Thermo Scientific Nunc? Nunclon? cell culture flask, 80 cm2, straight neck, vented/close cap |
Thermo Scientific 140685 Nunclon ? 6孔蓋,PS,無菌(MultiDish的情況下,85/包)Thermo Scientific Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon? 6-well MultiDish with lid, PS, sterile (case of 85) |
Thermo 167008 Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon ? 96孔微孔板蓋,扁孔的形狀,1/sleeveThermo Scientific Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon? 96-well MicroWell plate with lid, flat well shape, 1/sleeve |
Thermo Scientific 150628 Nunclon ? 12-以及MultiDish的蓋子,PS,無菌Thermo Scientific Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon? 12-well MultiDish with lid, PS, sterile |
Thermo Scientific 150200 Nunc12孔培養皿,未處理,75/caseThermo Scientific Nunc 12-well culture dish, nontreated, 75/case |
Thermo Scientific 144530 Nunc 24孔培養皿中,未處理,75/caseThermo Scientific Nunc 24-well culture dish, nontreated, 75/case |
Thermo Scientific 14453 Nunc 24孔培養皿中,未處理,75/caseThermo Scientific Nunc 24-well culture dish, nontreated, 75/case |
Thermo Scientific 163371 Nunc?細胞培養瓶中,25平方厘米,頸部角度,通風/關閉帽,無菌Thermo Scientific Nunc? Nunclon? cell culture flask, 25 cm2, angled neck, vent/close cap, sterile |
Thermo Scientific 179820 Nunc 4孔培養皿中,未處理,120/caseThermo Scientific Nunc 4-well culture dish, nontreated, 120/case |
Thermo Scientific 176740 Nunclon ? 4-也MultiDish蓋的,PS材質,滅菌Thermo Scientific Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon? 4-well MultiDish with lid, PS, sterile |
Thermo Scientific 142485 Nunc Thermo Scientific Nunclon ? 24孔MultiDish蓋子,PS,無菌Thermo Scientific Nunc? Thermo Scientific Nunclon? 24-well MultiDish with lid, PS, sterile |
Thermo Scientific 174950 Nunc Thermanox蓋玻片,13毫米直徑的500/caseThermo Scientific Nunc? Thermanox Coverslips, 13 mm diameter; 500/case |
Thermo Scientific 174985 Nunc Thermanox蓋玻片,25毫米直徑的500/caseThermo Scientific Nunc? Thermanox Coverslips, 25 mm diameter; 500/case |
Thermo Scientific 174942 Nunc Thermanox蓋玻片,60毫米長x 22毫米(寬); 500/caseThermo Scientific Nunc? Thermanox Coverslips, 60 mm L x 22 mm W; 500/case |