Multiwash 8端口同軸集成塊第三Multiwash板墊圈
Multiwash 8-Port Coaxial Manifold for Multiwash III Plate Washers
已經廣泛地被用于醫院、血站、衛生防疫站、試劑廠、研究室的酶標板清洗工作。洗凈器易編程,橫向抽吸,只免除只吸功能,不斷配藥和溢流清洗抽吸的同時關閉頂部進行徹底清洗。通過編程和存儲程序,你可以在觸摸一個按鈕之間切換七種不同模式。墊圈進行300μL三個周期在一個完整的96孔板,在不到兩分鐘洗。洗衣機是可以運行多達10個洗滌周期。你控制的輸送壓力和浸泡時間。該洗衣機還設有一個浮動調整,以配合每塊板的歧管,并允許墊圈進行特殊的測試程序。額外的吸液調整為水平和垂直兩個針的位置可以被存儲在單獨的程序。獨立調整的水平和垂直的以及允許任何形狀,以容納。洗凈器具有洗滌和漂洗兩升的蓄水池容積。濕材料包括玻璃,尼龍,聚乙烯,聚丙烯,不銹鋼PTFE Tygon?, Delrin? 聚甲醛,聚乙烯。測量11'寬 x 81/2'高x 145'深。各單位也認證的CAN / CAS STD C 22.2 1010.1
Rinse-on-demand feature for complete system cleaning at the touch of a button
Quick-connect fittings allow unit to be fully operational in minutes
Can handle full range of assay types from the most gentle wash to the most aggressive ELISA
Ideal for labs performing a variety of routines including -- agglutination tests; cytotoxicity tests; and ELISA, EIA, FIA, and LIA tests. Washer features easy-to-program wash routines, bottom washing, sweeping crosswise aspiration, dispense only and aspirate only functions, and overflow washing for continual dispensing while aspirating off the top for a thorough wash. By programming and storing routines, you can switch between seven different modes at the touch of a button.
The washer performs a 300-μL three-cycle wash on a full 96-well plate in less than two minutes. Washer is can run up to ten wash cycles. You control the dispense pressure and soak time. The washer also features a floating manifold that adjusts to match each plate and allows the washer to perform special test procedures.Extra aspiration adjustment for both horizontal and vertical needle positions can be stored in individual programs.
Independent adjustments of horizontal and vertical allow any shape well to be accommodated.
Washer has a wash and rinse reservoir volume of two liters each. Wetted materials include glass, nylon, PTFE?, stainless steel, polypropylene, Tygon?, Delrin?, polyethylene, and Santoprene?. Measures 11'W x 81/2'H x 145'D. All units are also certified with CAN/CAS std c 22.2 No. 1010.1.
What's Included:
manifold (except 13054-34); slip connectors; reservoir kit; fuse; rinse strips; dust cover; operation manual; quick-start guide, and two power cords (U.S. standard and European). Order additional manifolds separately.
產品規格 |
產品類型 |
洗板機 |
品牌 |
Multiwash |
生產編號 |
838 |
Specifications |
Product Type |
Plate Washers |
Brand |
Multiwash |
Manufacturer number |
838 |
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4.最小起訂數量:1 ,進口產品貨期,請跟產品擔當聯系!
聯系方式: 電話:021-52069907 分機 或撥0轉總機,傳真:010-52060857
- 1、技術溝通,初步判斷問題電話,與客戶進行初步溝通、了解并初步判斷儀器所出現的故障問題。
- 2、簽訂維修協議由我公司向客戶發送儀器維修協議,客戶需如實填寫內容并回傳以便我司對儀器做進一步判斷。
- 3、客戶郵寄儀器客戶可按照我司地址郵寄儀器,并將快遞單拍照發送至您的專屬客服進行備案。
- 4、詳細診斷機器故障我司收到郵寄儀器后會對郵寄的儀器進行拍照并開箱檢驗,對儀器做進一步故障判斷。
- 5、支付維修費用如客戶儀器在保修期內,我司不收取任何維修費,如客戶儀器在保修期外,我司會適當收取維修費。
- 6、郵寄儀器給客戶我司將維修好的儀器按客戶地址進行拍照并郵寄,自此雖維修協議終止,但我司將提供終身免費答疑及技術指導。
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