產品規格 |
范圍(CO) |
0?4000 ppm |
范圍(O2) |
0.1%至20.9% |
范圍(SO 2) |
0至5000ppm |
范圍(效率) |
0.1到100% |
功率 |
四節AA電池 |
堆棧空氣溫度(范圍) |
-4至2192°F(-20?1200℃) |
堆??諝獾臏囟龋ň龋?span lang="EN-US"> |
±4°F從32到255°F;±6°F從256到480°F;±481°F至752°F |
空氣溫度(范圍) |
-4至999°F(-20到537°C) |
空氣溫度(精度) |
±2°F從32到212°F |
存儲器 |
500測試 |
外形尺寸(W) |
3 |
尺寸(“H) |
9 |
外形尺寸(L) |
2 |
電池壽命 |
10小時 |
顯示 |
全彩色圖形顯示屏,320×240像素 |
輸出 |
精度(CO) |
讀數從0至2000ppm或10 ppm 5%,10%,從2001年至4000 PPM讀數 |
精度(O2) |
±0.3%O 2(煙氣) |
精度(SO 2) |
讀數的±5%或10 ppm,取較大,從0至2000ppm |
燃料 |
天然氣,油#2,#4油,油#6,丙烷,煤,木材,煤油,甘蔗渣,沼氣 |
草案壓力(范圍) |
-72到72“WC |
草案壓力(精度) |
±0.02“WC從-1到1”WC;讀數從-10到10“WC的±2%±3%讀數從-40到40”WC |
出廠編號 |
0024-8443 |
Full-color graphic display for superior visibility
Rugged metal probe connections add durability for field use
The PCA 3 analyzer performs combustion calculations for natural gas, oil #2, oil #4, oil #6, propane, coal, wood, kerosene, bagasse, and digester gas. Full-color graphic display features zoom, backlight, and auto-dimming to conserve battery life. Manually store up to 500 tests for recall; unit logs up to 500 additional readings at a preselected interval to provide data over changing environmental conditions. Download stored data through the USB interface with included software.
What's included:
12" (305 mm) probe assembly, Fyrite? user software, USB cable, three replacement filter elements, protective boot with magnet, hard carrying case, and four AA batteries.
Specifications |
Range (CO) |
0 to 4000 ppm |
Range (O2) |
0.1 to 20.9% |
Range (SO2) |
0 to 5000 ppm |
Range (Efficiency) |
0.1 to 100% |
Power |
Four AA batteries |
Stack air temperature (Range) |
-4 to 2192°F (-20 to 1200°C) |
Stack air temperature (Accuracy) |
±4°F from 32 to 255°F; ±6°F from 256 to 480°F; ±8°F from 481 to 752°F |
Air temperature (Range) |
-4 to 999°F (-20 to 537°C) |
Air temperature (Accuracy) |
±2°F from 32 to 212°F |
Memory |
500 tests |
Dimensions (" W) |
3 |
Dimensions (" H) |
9 |
Dimensions (" L) |
2 |
Battery life |
10 hours |
Display |
Full-color graphic display, 320 x 240 pixels |
Output |
Accuracy (CO) |
5% of rdg or 10 ppm from 0 to 2000 ppm; 10% of rdg from 2001 to 4000 ppm |
Accuracy (O2) |
±0.3% O2 (flue gas) |
Accuracy (SO2) |
±5% of rdg or 10 ppm, whichever is greater, from 0 to 2000 ppm |
Fuels |
Natural gas, oil #2, oil #4, oil #6, propane, coal, wood, kerosene,
bagasse, digester gas |
Draft pressure (Range) |
-72 to 72" WC |
Draft pressure (Accuracy) |
±0.02" WC from -1 to 1" WC; ±2% of rdg from -10 to 10"
WC; ±3% of rdg from -40 to 40" WC |
Manufacturer number |
0024-8443 |
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4.最小起訂數量:1 ,進口產品貨期,請跟產品擔當聯系!
聯系方式: 電話:021-52069907 分機 或撥0轉總機,傳真:010-52060857
- 1、技術溝通,初步判斷問題電話,與客戶進行初步溝通、了解并初步判斷儀器所出現的故障問題。
- 2、簽訂維修協議由我公司向客戶發送儀器維修協議,客戶需如實填寫內容并回傳以便我司對儀器做進一步判斷。
- 3、客戶郵寄儀器客戶可按照我司地址郵寄儀器,并將快遞單拍照發送至您的專屬客服進行備案。
- 4、詳細診斷機器故障我司收到郵寄儀器后會對郵寄的儀器進行拍照并開箱檢驗,對儀器做進一步故障判斷。
- 5、支付維修費用如客戶儀器在保修期內,我司不收取任何維修費,如客戶儀器在保修期外,我司會適當收取維修費。
- 6、郵寄儀器給客戶我司將維修好的儀器按客戶地址進行拍照并郵寄,自此雖維修協議終止,但我司將提供終身免費答疑及技術指導。
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TSI 8530粉塵儀 | TSI 8532粉塵儀 | TSI 8533粉塵儀 | Rad7 氡檢測儀 | TSI 8534粉塵儀 | Thermo PDR-1500粉塵儀 |
ATI 2i光度計 | ATI氣溶膠稀釋器 | 風量罩 | 風速儀 | 空氣品質檢測儀 | EN779測試臺改造 |
Dustmate 粉塵儀 | TSI 8108大顆粒氣溶膠發生器 | TSI 3450單分散氣溶膠發生器 | 車身氣密性檢測設備 | 風管漏風量測試設備 | 凝聚核粒子計數器校準裝置 |
粒子計數器校準裝置 | 更多型號請咨詢客服19mro@19mro.com |