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41580 450ml Bellows Cartridge fits Japanese style grease guns and automatically lubricated robotic assembly and molding equipment designed to be utilized with a collapsible, disposable, plastic bellows cartridge.
Ultra Violet Additive
In those applications where it is important to verify the presence of a complete or continuous film of lubricant on a component where it is difficult to see the coating of grease or oil, Super Lube? is now available with an Ultra Violet tracer that fluoresces under black light. The UV Additive is available in the following product sizes:
41150/UV 400 gram Cartridge
41160/UV 400 gram Canister
41050/UV 5 lb. Pail
41030/UV 30 lb. Pail
Silicone Dielectric and Vacuum UV Grease
91015/UV 400 gram Cartridge
91016/UV 400 gram Canister
91005/UV 5 lb. Pail
91030/UV 30 lb. Pail
51014/UV 7ml. Precision Oiler (bulk)
51004/UV 4 oz. Bottle
51030/UV 1 qt. Bottle
51040/UV 1 gal. Bottle
51050/UV 5 gal. Pail
Super Lube? is now available as a pure Polydimethylsiloxane Silicone Oil for use in applications where compatibility of the rubber compound is not known, in dashpot or dampening applications, and as a general high temperature lubricating oil. It is available in two viscosities:
100 cSt
56104 4 oz. Bottle
56101 1 gal. Bottle
56105 5 gal. Pail
5000 cSt
56504 4 oz. Bottle
56501 1 gal. Bottle
56505 5 gal. Pail
3 oz. Tube Nozzle
The 1/2 oz. tube of Super Lube? Grease offers a built in tapered tip that facilitates the application of grease to a localized area. This feature is now available in the form of an accessory nozzle that replaces the sealing cap on the end of the 3 oz. tube. The nozzle can be cut to size, is reseal able with a snap on cap, and as the tube of grease is exhausted, it is reusable on replacement tubes.
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聯系方式: 電話:021-52069907 分機 或撥0轉總機,傳真:010-52060857
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- 3、客戶郵寄儀器客戶可按照我司地址郵寄儀器,并將快遞單拍照發送至您的專屬客服進行備案。
- 4、詳細診斷機器故障我司收到郵寄儀器后會對郵寄的儀器進行拍照并開箱檢驗,對儀器做進一步故障判斷。
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