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    德國Palas HMT 1000 P油霧分離器檢測系統


    • 市場價: ¥0.00
    • 銷售價: 面議
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    標準配置:可加熱液滴發生器 (PLG-2100);可加熱氣溶膠稀釋器 (KHG-2010) 兩級串聯至100倍稀釋比;可加熱氣溶膠粒徑譜儀 (Welas?-1000 或 Welas?-3000);電暈靜電中和器 (CD-2000);可加熱密封艙及溫度控制器單元;基于Window的系統自動控制軟件

    The quality control and development of separators should be preferably accomplished under practice-relevant test conditions. Oil separators must therefore be tested under the application conditions at high temperatures up to 120 °C and depending on its application field at high pressures. 

    As special feature the HMT 1000 P version of the test rig offers the control of upstream absolute pressure to ± 200 mbar at the entrance of the test room or test filters.

    With the modular testing system HMT 1000  P oil separators can, e. g. for the separation of blow-by aerosols in combustion engines or for the separation of oil vapour behind compressors, be characterized fast and exactly and above all be tested isothermally up to 120°C in step with actual practice:

     Fractional separation efficiency

     Loading time/Lifetime

     Total separation efficiency/gravimetry

     Pressure drop

    The single components of the test rig like the high-resoluting heatable light-scattering spectrometer welas? digital 1000 H, the heatable dilution systems KHG 10 D and the heatable aerosol generator PLG 2100 can be simply removed from the HMT 1000 and used for other applications, e. g. measurements directly on the engine.

    For many years numerous companies worldwide have benefited from the advantages of the heatable and pressure-resistant Palas? test components for the isothermal and isobaric particle size and particle quantity measurement of oil mists.

    Palas? HMT 1000 filter test rigs have been used with great success in the international industry since 2001.

    Quality in detail

    The heart core of the HMT 1000 P is the light-scattering spectrometer welas? digital 1000, which measures the particle size and particle number and thus the concentration simultaneously but independent from each other. With the welas? digital 1000 it can be measured extremely fast, clearly, reproducibly and isothermally (see data sheet welas? digital).

    welas? digital 1000

    Fig. 1: welas? digital 1000

    Advantage of the optical particle measurement compared to the absolute gravimetric measurement:

    The usual gravimetric quantity determination is often not fast and sensitive enough and provides no information about the particle size distribution.

    Due to the extremely good correlation between number distribution measurement and gravimetry a fast and mass-relevant test of the oil separators is guaranteed. 

    The determination of the clean gas concentration is possible within 1 minute by means of the welas? digital system.

    Why isothermal measurement?

    Depending on the temperature of the engine the particle sizes and concentrations change in the oil mist. Thus, oil separators must be tested at different temperatures, i. e. with different particle sizes (up to approx. 5-8 μm) and particle concentrations (approx. 105 particles/cm3  up to 107 particles/cm3) as well as different volume flows in order to characterize them clearly regarding its separation behaviour.

    Modifications of the characteristics of the separator which are caused by e. g. the change of the volume flow, the temperature, the loading of the filter etc. must be clearly determined by a reliable online measurement or an in-situ measurement. 

    In order to prevent condensation effects but also evaporation effects, the complete aerosol guidance with the HMT 1000 P including preparation, sampling and measuring volume is heatable up to 120 °C. Thus, an isothermal fractional separation efficiency determination is guaranteed. 

    Why regulation of ± 200 mbar?

    Depending on the structure of the oil separator an over pressure or under pressure developes at the entrance of the filter. Because of the control of ± 200 mbar at the entrance of the test device oil mist separators can be tested under the same conditions as in practice.

    Isothermal in-situ measurement, e. g. at the engine

    The testing system HMT 1000 is built up movably and modularly. Thus, the single components can be used also for other tests and particle measurements, e. g. in-situ measurements at the engine. 

    Insitu Messtechnik.JPG

    Fig. 2: Isothermal sampling of particles and in-situ measurement 

    Automatic detection of the measuring data with the Palas? FTControl software

    The practice-proven software allows an almost fully-automated characterization of oil separators. Thus, a result is independent of the user of the test rig (see data sheet FTControl).

    Test rig control:

    Automated control of the volume flow

    Automated switch on of the aerosol generator

    Automatic switch between upstream/downstream measuring point

    Automatic temperature control

    Evaluation and registration of measuring signals as e. g. Δp, rel. humidity, temperature, volume flow, absolute pressure etc.

    Automatic measuring process:

     Automatic evaluation of the pressure loss curve

     Automatic measurement of the fractional separation efficiency

     Automatic evaluation of the pressure loss curve at different loading conditions incl.  measurement of the fractional separation efficiency

    Vergleich von unterschiedlichen ?labscheidern

    Measurement range (size) 0.18 – 40 μm

    Volume flow                1 – 25 Nm3/h, 1 – 85 Nm3/h (others on request)

    Power supply                Three phase connection (400/230 V; 16 A), Power input: approx. 8 KW

    Dimensions                Approx. 1780 ? 2240 ? 800 mm (H ? W ? D)

    Differential pressure measurement 0 – 3000 Pa (others on request)

    Aerosol concentrations        up to 107 particles/cm3 with 2 KHG 10 D

    Compressed air supply        6 - 8 barg

    Pressure                -0,2 – 0,2 barg relative






    4.最小起訂數量:1 ,進口產品貨期,請跟產品擔當聯系!
    聯系方式: 電話:021-52069907 分機 或撥0轉總機,傳真:010-52060857


    • 1、技術溝通,初步判斷問題電話,與客戶進行初步溝通、了解并初步判斷儀器所出現的故障問題。
    • 2、簽訂維修協議由我公司向客戶發送儀器維修協議,客戶需如實填寫內容并回傳以便我司對儀器做進一步判斷。
    • 3、客戶郵寄儀器客戶可按照我司地址郵寄儀器,并將快遞單拍照發送至您的專屬客服進行備案。
    • 4、詳細診斷機器故障我司收到郵寄儀器后會對郵寄的儀器進行拍照并開箱檢驗,對儀器做進一步故障判斷。
    • 5、支付維修費用如客戶儀器在保修期內,我司不收取任何維修費,如客戶儀器在保修期外,我司會適當收取維修費。
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    Testo 340 煙氣分析儀 Testo350 煙氣分析儀 PMS塵埃粒子計數器 TSI塵埃粒子計數器 Lighthouse塵埃粒子計數器 Metone塵埃粒子計數器
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    HTV 甲醛檢測儀 HTV-M甲醛檢測儀 TVOC 檢測儀維修 Grimm掃描電遷移率粒徑譜儀 Palas掃描電遷移率粒徑譜儀 Brechtel掃描電遷移率粒徑譜儀
    TSI 8530粉塵儀 TSI 8532粉塵儀 TSI 8533粉塵儀 Rad7 氡檢測儀 TSI 8534粉塵儀 Thermo PDR-1500粉塵儀
    ATI 2i光度計 ATI氣溶膠稀釋器 風量罩 風速儀 空氣品質檢測儀 EN779測試臺改造
    Dustmate 粉塵儀 TSI 8108大顆粒氣溶膠發生器 TSI 3450單分散氣溶膠發生器 車身氣密性檢測設備 風管漏風量測試設備 凝聚核粒子計數器校準裝置
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