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    德國PALAS UGF 2000氣溶膠發生器

    Liquid nebulizer with binary nozzle and cyclone (dp_max = 2 μm) as per VDI 3491-1 and -2

    • 市場價: ¥0.00
    • 銷售價: 面議
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    The UGF 2000 aerosol generator is able to atomize liquids with a binary nozzle.

    The UGF 2000 comprises an adjustable binary nozzle for adjustment of the desired mass flow and a cyclone. Unlike the AGF series, UGF 2000 has a cyclone with built-in control air. The control air is adjusted using a micrometer screw on a needle valve. By opening this valve, the aerosol concentration is able to be reduced by a factor of approx. 500 through the addition of control air. As a result, the generator is ideally suited for testing laminar flow boxes and clean rooms with low volume flow.

    Fig. 1: UGF 2000 functional diagram

    Fig. 2: UGF 2000 schematic diagram

    The compressed air is supplied to a binary nozzle via a pneumatic on/off switch and an adjustable pressure regulator. The mist of droplets generated by the nozzle flows tangentially into a cyclone. Large particles are separated here by centrifugal force and drip into a separate reservoir. The remaining droplets leave the cyclone via the so-called "immersion tube". The size spectrum of these droplets is determined on the one hand by the primary droplet spectrum generated by the nozzle, but especially by the separation characteristics of the cyclone on the other hand.

    Table 1: Overview of the AGF and UGF systems


    dpmax in MPPS-range = 0.1 – 0.3 μm

    Known and reproducible particle size distribution using a cyclone

    Constant particle rate

    Low particle concentration

    Long dosing time

    Variable particle concentration by a factor of 500 through adjustment of the primary pressure and control air

    Compact, light, portable

    Easy handling and solid construction


    dpmax in MPPS-range = 0.1 – 0.3 μm

    Known and reproducible particle size distribution using a cyclone

    Constant particle rate

    Low particle concentration

    Long dosing time

    Variable particle concentration by a factor of 500 through adjustment of the primary pressure and control air

    Compact, light, portable

    Easy handling and solid construction


    Clean room technology:

    HEPA/ULPA filter test

    Acceptance tests and leak tests as per ISO 14644 and VDI 2083

    Laminar flow boxes

    Recovery tests

    Filter testing, quality control:

    Filter cartridges, filter media, particulate air filters for low volume flows and small filter surfaces

    Smoke detector tests






    4.最小起訂數量:1 ,進口產品貨期,請跟產品擔當聯系!
    聯系方式: 電話:021-52069907 分機 或撥0轉總機,傳真:010-52060857


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