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    Braycote? Micronic? 601EF高性能真空潤滑脂原版技術資料

    Braycote Micronic 601 EF is designed to operate in the presence of rocket fuels, oxidizers and high
    下載次數:920 瀏覽次數:2541發布時間:2015-09-27 16:13
    允許查看的會員等級:非會員   普通會員   高級會員   VIP會員   


    Braycote Micronic 601 EF is designed to operate in the presence of rocket fuels, oxidizers and high vacuum. It is frequently used in space applications including the Space Shuttle and satellites.  It should also be considered in any application where a hostile chemical or extreme environmental conditions would preclude the use of an ordinary grease.  Typical applications include ball and roller bearings, gears, and as an assembly lubricant for O-rings and elastomers.  Perfluorinated greases, such as , this product, exhibit excellent shelf life due to their intrinsic inertness. 



    D 1403  Penetration @ 25°C (77°F), mm-1   Unworked Worked, 60 strokes  285 286  

    FTM 321  Oil Separation, 30 hrs, 204°C (400°F), % wt Evaporation Loss, % wt  11.10 0.62  

    D 1743  Rust Prevention  1,1,1,Pass  

    FTM 5309  Copper Strip Corrosion, 24 hrs, 100°C (212°F)  1b  

    D 2266  Four-Ball Wear-Test, AWSD, mm    1200 rpm, 40 kgf load, 1 hr, 75oC (167oF)  0.91  

    D 2265  Dropping Point, °F (°C)  213 (415)  

    D 2596  Four-Ball Extreme-Pressure Weld, kgf  800+  

    E 595 NASA SP-R-0022A  Vacuum Stability Test   24 hrs, 125°C (257°F), 10-6, torr    Total Weight Loss (TWL), % wt   Volatile Condensable Material (VCM), % wt  0.36 0.03  

    D 1478  Low-Temperature Torque, g.cm  @ -62°C (-80°F) Starting Running, 1 hr  @ -73°C (-100°F) Starting Running, 1 hr  585 228 1430 637  

    D 2512 (MSFC 106)  LOX Impact Sensitivity   100 mm, 20 drops  Pass  

    D 2595  Evaporation Loss, % wt, 22 hrs, 204oC (400oF)  0.87  

    FTM 3005 Particles  Micron Range    25 - 74 microns   75 microns or larger  116 None  

    1420  Pounds per gallon @ 16°C (60°F) Grams per milliliter @ 16°C (60°F)  16.70 1.948  


    Base Oil Characteristics 

    D 287  Specific Gravity @ 16/16°C (60/60°F) Pounds per Gallon @ 16°C (60°F)  1.8531 15.430  

    D 445  Kinematic Viscosity, cSt    @ 99°C (210°F)    @ 38°C (100°F)    @ -54°C (-65°F)  45 148 10,855  

    D 2270  Viscosity Index  350  

    D 97  Pour Point, °C (°F)  -72 (-100)  

    Knudsen  Vapor Pressure, torr    @ 20°C (68°F)    @ 100°C (212°F)   @ 200°C (392°F)  4 x 10-13 2 x 10-9 2 x 10-6  


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